Hotel Offers
Get the most from your stay by booking from our hotel packages.
Treat yourself to the contemporary comfort and vibrant setting of Alcyone Hotel Residences at an exclusive savings when you take advantage of our hotel packages and apartment deals. Immerse yourself in luxury in our bright, spacious one and two bedroom apartments while enjoying amenities that include an outdoor pool, serenity gardens, gymnasium, 24 hour reception and full concierge services.
![Pamper Your Pooch pet-friendly Brisbane hotel packages at Alcyone Hotel Residences](
Pamper Your Pooch Packages
You can now bring your fur baby with you when staying at Alcyone Hotel Residences.
![Close-up of the groom putting a ring on the bride's hand in a wedding at Alcyone Hotel Residences](
Getting Married?
Wedding packages available
Pre-wedding bridal/groom suites
Wedding night packages
![Pre & Post Cruise Brisbane CBD accommodation deal at Alcyone Hotel Residences](
** Pre & Post Cruise Accommodation **
-Cruise & Park -
Brisbane Cruise Terminal has moved to Luggage Point (approx 15km east)